TheCasinoCityNZ: Privacy Policy

Here at TheCasinoCityNZ, we take issues surrounding security and that of you and your fellow users privacy of the up-most importance. Here, we discuss our terms of use when it comes to our online casino services. This statement and legal notification also deals with your private details and information. We shall make it very clear as to how our website works and to what ends your private information is used and collected.
Please read to know your legal ground when it comes to privacy policies, data protection and that of third-party intervention.
Party Definitions
For clarity, during the following statement TheCasinoCityNZ will be referred to as ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’, to help highlight the services provided to you from TheCasinoCityNZ.
Readers of this article will be classed as ‘user’ or ‘users’, ‘followers’ and ‘players’.
Later on, we shall allude to the content of TheCasinoCityNZ as a ‘public area’, site, and ‘service’.
2. Information Collected Through Our Services:
Users that use the services of TheCasinoCityNZ must be informed and made aware of the ways vital and necessary information is collected and obtained. Also, how the data processing method works when collected.
2.1 Our main aim is to provide a public area that enhances player’s experience for the product we provide. Thusly, we track the movements of the user as they make their way through the site. This helps us to build a profile of user’s interest. Things which are popular and not-so-popular within TheCasinoCityNZ.
2.2 Personal data and information supplied through request will constitute as knowingly providing information through services, for example, email. This includes providing your full name, your age, contact number and full residential address.
2.3 The I.P address of your server can also carry information to our site and supply data about the user. This processor has cookie data which can and will detail to us of the websites that you have visited before our own public area, it will also inform us where you go after. This tool will allow us to see and monitor the various times you visit our site, your duration, dates and again the I.P address being used. With all this we can easily interact with the customer, for example, live chat. This is all a means to providing a better service through our site.
2.4 Knowingly supplying personal data and information, falls into the statement category of authorized services. This therefore means that the invited and supplied information is stored to help further improve the public area and that of the services in the future. The retained information from this could be a photographic I.D, gender related, your date of birth, your email address, and the user’s full name.
3. How the Information We Collect is used
TheCasinoCityNZ will have data on every site user that takes advantage of our services and product. What follows are key points on how the stored data used towards how we bring our website service to our users.
3.1 TheCasinoCityNZ Operational Services
This service can be through such services as email and user comments. The information supplied and gathered will assist our operational development. This can help with requests made by the users on the service, for the improvement and recommendations surrounding TheCasinoCityNZ.
3.2 Making Service Improvements
In order to facilitate our service and maintain the up-keep, we use stored information to help us analyse trends, this allows us to better the users experience, update product services and improve our core website features.
3.3 Communications between Parties
The collection of data will help us to communicate to the user for administrative purposes which include the following examples.
a. dealing with illegal infringements, user complaints or violations.
b. updating promotions, products and offers which exclusively relate to TheCasinoCityNZ or associated Third Parties and passing them on to the sites user.
Please note that users can at any point opt out of these options. You can withdraw any content which is highlighted within section 5 – ‘Your Rights’.
3.4 Data Tracking and Cookie Technology
The latest technology software provides automatic tracking and with this the collection of data, this helps with…
a. bespoke user services, one example is automated filled forms to access the website, i.e. usernames.
b. customization of advertisement.
c. Third-party marketing and monitoring by TheCasinoCityNZ.
d. Entries, login statuses and gaining access to promotions.
3.5 Analytics
TheCasinoCityNZ uses Google Analytics this measures traffic that we then evaluate to help with all discussed in section 3.4. TheCasinoCityNZ are not affiliated with Google services, they are legally independent to our company and associated services of TheCasinoCityNZ. Google are able to access the analytical data and can see information that we have access to.
4. Disclosure of Your Information
The following circumstances constitute to data that has knowingly been passed to us with the full consent of the user taking part in the services of TheCasinoCityNZ
4.1 Information which is Unrestricted
By leaving comments on any part of TheCasinoCityNZ, the content can be viewed by other users and should not contain personal information
4.2 Service Providers
Third Parties help assist with the maintenance, the development, the hosting and other existing areas of the public area. Information and data will, in these instances, be accessible but limited should it be required to resolve their duties. The Third Parties are legally contracted with a confidentiality clause this is in place to help secure data.
4.3 Non Identifiable Information
Three areas where auto-collected information and data is passed to third parties.
a. Reporting under compliance.
b. Advertising and Marketing
c. collecting user patterns from TheCasinoCityNZ, including usage, site function, site content, and the TheCasinoCityNZ services that have been accessed and used.
4.4 Legal Processes and Compliance
We adhere to juridical and permitted laws to assist the user’s legal rights and that of our own. The following are just examples when we would comply with the laws of the state:
a. liability precaution.
b. prosecution of fraudulent activity, unlawful and abusive acts.
c. defence for third-party claims.
d. the security of TheCasinoCityNZ services.
e. Protecting of our legal property, user and TheCasinoCityNZ legal rights and contractual obligations.
4.5 Change of TheCasinoCityNZ Ownership
If we, the service, change ownership through acquisition or merger, data will be obtainable to all and new parties. The acquiring party will retain the Privacy Policy and thusly, retaining your rights.
Alternative acquisitions can be done via the sale of assets, bankruptcy and insolvency.
5. Your Rights
As a user of TheCasinoCityNZ, you can access data collected at a reasonable level. You can make any request for this or have it amended or even deleted. Please submit your request or query via our ‘Contact Us’ page.
You can also refuse to disclose particular information regarding your personal data but this may result with a restriction in the services we offer, i.e., neglecting to prove your date of birth.
Unless there is a legal matter in situ, you have legal right to refuse the processing of your data and information. Should you wish to complain under the belief that your legal rights have been infringed, you should contact Data Protection Officer to take up your case.
5.2 Analytical Information
Google Analytics is an optional service and can have its settings changed via the link supplied.
5.3 Suspending Commercial Communication
You can unsubscribe our emailing service by following the instructions contained within the email. Alternatively, you can contact us requesting the action directly. The deletion process will take up to 10-days. Please note that by ceasing ‘commercial communication’ you may still receive service information and emails solely regarding TheCasinoCityNZ.
6. Third-Party Services
We and TheCasinoCityNZ are not liable for the actions carried out by third parties. Our services will contain web links to third-party sites and any information submitted by you, the user, is done so at your own risk. It is highly-recommended that you research the third-party before disclosing and communicating any information with them.
7. Privacy Shield
Our TheCasinoCityNZ services comply with the General Data Protection Regulation served by the E.U, for the retention of personal data and information. Should there be any conflict of interest regarding the General Data Protection Regulation, then please direct all concerns with their appropriate department.
8. Cookie Functions Used by TheCasinoCityNZ
- Cookies which are essential to performance – with tracking software, users can experience better navigation throughout our public area. You will also benefit from the features like security access which identifies you as a user.
- Service Performance – this covers general services and what would, otherwise, function normally can be flagged if an error occurs. The information correlated helps see how the site processes data and works.
- Cookies which are Functional – this is the basic site mapping that will include a user’s language, name, region or country. These cookies help to adjust the site and the service for your needs.
- Behavioural Cookies – This falls into the bracket of advertising. These cookies represent more relevant advertisements and users interests.
9. Minors and Children’s Privacy
Our services are not aimed at minors and those under the legal age of 18. We take all possible measures to stop such access to our service. If personal data and information is collected or you are a parent or a legal guardian of a user that feels suspicious of any action or behaviour, please do contact us so that we can remove all data which is collected on the relevant persons involved. We cannot guarantee that all personal data can be removed 100%.
10. Data Security
We adhere to industry and legal protocol when it comes to the rules of data protection that has been submitted. Administrative, physical and technical safeguarding is in place to protect data from unlawful or accidental loss.
Note that no data is purposely destroyed, disclosed or even altered within our detainment. No unlawful process or acts take place whilst it is within our possession.
If you feel that a data breach has been made, then please contact us via the ‘Contact Us’ page.
11. Data Retention
Data will be kept until it is no longer required to assist us in our site’s services. It will be kept for a limited period of time and stored should any legal matters arise as discussed in Section. 4.4.
12. Settings
Your rights support you requesting the adjustment of content settings which affects your privacy. Though it should be highlighted that not all ‘security measures’ are 100% impenetrable. We cannot be responsible or found accountable for any outcome linked to the breach or loss of private data.
13. Data Transfer
We cannot guarantee the services of our third parties will match our own standards. We cannot be accountable should failings arise on third parties or external frameworks of security. TheCasinoCityNZ takes all the best possible measures, but we cannot guarantee complete protection.
14. Data Controller and Data Processor
Under the General Data Protection Regulation guidelines, TheCasinoCityNZ is classed as the Data Controller which is classified and confirmed in regulation 2016/679. This means that all and any data belonging to that of the user or users, is controlled solely by TheCasinoCityNZ.
TheCasinoCityNZ, however, has zero legal power nor involvement over third-party actions or business with such information relating to private personal data and the secure storage of this.
15. Changes and Updates to this Policy
Our Private Policy will be adjusted to coincide with changes to the law and any of the necessary requirements of how our service should meet industry standards and requirements. It is advised that you keep returning to check this policy so that you as a user is up to date with your rights and the laws.
By reading this policy, you have agreed to and understand the terms and conditions mentioned in this current version of our TheCasinoCityNZ Privacy Policy.
16. How to Contact Us at TheCasinoCityNZ
Allow us at TheCasinoCityNZ to help you further. If you should have any questions about this policy or regarding any of our services found on the TheCasinoCityNZ website, you can message us directly through our ‘Contact Us’ page.
Last update: November _ 2018